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Shopify Domain. How to Change '' Subdomain

Author: Serhiy Manuilo, Publication Date: Sep 21, 2024, Last Updated: Sep 21, 2024
by Serhiy Manuilo, Sep 21, 2024
The article image: "Shopify Domain. How to Change '' Subdomain"

A freshly created Shopify store has a randomly generated subdomain (combination of letters and numbers) under domain, for instance, You can change the subdomain to something more human-readable, if you don’t need or don’t want to connect your own domain.

How to Change Default Domain Name in Shopify

Follow these 5 easy (9 to roll back the changes) steps to rename the default subdomain name:

  1. Navigate to the Shopify general Settings Navigate to the Shopify general Settings
  2. Go to Domains
  3. Click on the Change to a new domain link below your primary domain Navigate to the Domains settings and open the popup to change default subdomain name
  4. Enter a new subdomain name
  5. Click on the Add domain button Change default subdomain name
  6. Review the changes you’ve made. Make sure that the new subdomain has the Primary type. If you want to roll back this change, keep on the instruction below.
  7. Click on the primary or the secondary (redirect) subdomain item to see the details Shopify domains and subdomains settings Shopify primary domain information
  8. In case of the secondary one, click Change domain type to change its type Shopify secondary (redirect) domain information
  9. Select Primary if you want to roll back the changes or Alias domain to make it an alias subdomain Change a domain type in Shopify


As you can see changing the default subdomain name in Shopify is a matter of a few minutes of work.

Choose the name wisely because you might be unable to edit it later and need to contact support or connect a paid domain.